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A/C Repair & Installation in Central Illinois

Thermal Services Inc. provides leading HVAC services in Central Illinois, including A/C repair and installation. For 15 years, we’ve made homes and businesses comfortable and safe during the hottest months. Our team fixes, installs, and maintains all kinds of air conditioner systems and units. Whether your system is malfunctioning or you want to ready it for summer, our team will provide the expertise, guidance, and equipment to enhance its performance. We are here to help you feel good year-round.

ac unit

How Often Does My A/C Need Inspected?

We recommend requesting an air conditioner inspection at least once yearly, preferably during spring. Our summers can get dangerously hot, making people and animals uncomfortable and unsafe. When the sweltering heat arrives, you don’t want to be left with dysfunctional or failed air conditioning. Routine maintenance ensures your system is working and ready to handle the heat. It’s also more cost-effective than emergency repairs. Our team will inspect your system, making you safer and saving you money.

We Make Air Conditioners Run Smoothly

Ensure your traditional or ductless air conditioning system is in prime condition year-round by choosing us. We provide the following services for homes and businesses:

Air Conditioner Repairs

We fix air conditioning systems and service the components of all makes and models.

Air Conditioner Installation

When your current A/C is old or irreparable, we'll provide an enhanced replacement.

Air Conditioner Maintenance

Our team provides thorough twice-annual maintenance for residential and commercial air conditioners.

New Construction

We'll outfit your new home or building with a quality A/C system customized to your construction plans.

Ductless Split Repairs

We are trained and equipped to fix ductless system compressors, evaporators, and more.

Ductless Split Installation

Boost your efficiency and maximize space by contacting us for a ductless split system.

Ductless Split Maintenance

Our maintenance includes assessing and tuning up ductless air conditioners.

Chiller Inspection

Our team can inspect your chiller to assess its condition and diagnose its problems.

Chiller Repair

We make thorough repairs on all chiller components, restoring them to prime condition.

Chiller Installation

Do you need a new chiller? Our team will replace your old chiller with a new-and-improved one.

Exceptional Services From a Dedicated Team

At Thermal Services Inc., an essential aspect of quality service is being available when you need us. We provide 24/7 emergency services for residential and commercial customers. During our maintenance visits, we’ll evaluate your air conditioner’s every component. We will arrive promptly when your system suddenly stops working and form a plan to restore it quickly. You can rely on our passionate, friendly, and seasoned team to help you stay cool amid high temperatures.

Contact Thermal Services Inc. Today!